ரவூப் ஹக்கீமுக்கு எதிராக மஹிந்தவின் FILE - CID விசாரணை ஆரம்பம்..?

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Attempt through CID to silence Hakeem!

A plan is underway to keep SLMC leader, justice minister Rauff Hakeem in the government by silencing him through the CID, internal sources at the department told ‘LN Web.’

Investigations are to be launched into three files existing against minister Hakeem. Sergeant Bandara, under the supervision of chief inspector Indunil, has been appointed for the purpose.

One file relates to his breaching of financial and administrative regulations by purchasing a tug from a Muslim businessman without following tender procedures when he was the minister of ports and shipping. Another deals with the state sector jobs given by obtaining money through his coordinating officer Hassen Faiz, while the third is about pushing, not preventing, his paramour Kumari Cooray to commit suicide.

The CID has already made submissions to courts regarding Kumari’s suicide. Some time ago, the CID submitted to courts that her deathbed confession made no mention of Hakeem. Two Rupavahini Corporation cameramen who had videoed her suicide had given the two CDs to the CID. Since these alone are inadequate to file charges against Hakeem, the case has been categorized as C3. However, in order to frighten him, the case has been reopened.

Chandra Fernando, former IGP, who is presently director-general of the defence ministry’s internal and special investigation unit, yesterday (25) afternoon took these three files into his custody. Minister Hakeem was summoned on the same day to the CID to record a statement, but he didn't make an appearance. CID officers are awaiting DG Fernando’s instructions on how they should deal with this case, the CID sources told ‘LNW’ further.
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